Friday 17 September 2010

Join me to pray because...

With so much going well this year as a church, there is still one thing that I find hard - where are the people who are giving their lives to Jesus.  We have seen 10 people commit their lives to Jesus - 2 at the beginning of the year, 7 at Front Edge in May and 1 on the Alpha Day away in May.

I know that it is only God who can give salvation, but I so long to see more.  I am convinced that he has called us to be a church that sees people making responses to follow Jesus and I know we have seen it (would it surprise you to find out that I keep a spreadsheet!!!).  When I look at what is happening in other areas of the world and I read of what has happened in our country in the past, I cannot help but feel that there is more than we are seeing.

There is an element that we have to be taking every opportunity to invite people to hear about Jesus, to investigate his claims and to look at what Christianity is really about.  However I also know that there is a time for crying out to the Lord for him to come and do what only he can do.  Who knows how many the disciples would have seen respond in those early days, but I don't think they would have seen 3000 on the first day without the Spirit coming powerfully, bringing regeneration and faith to believe.

I am believing for days when celebrating spiritual new birth is a regular thing for us - not because we have put on the best events or Alpha courses (although we will endeavour to do that as well), but because we have sought the face of the Lord and have cried out on behalf of the lost in our town, because we have asked, seeked and knocked, expecting that the Spirit of God would come again in mighty convicting and life transforming power.

To this end why don't you come and join me this Tuesday, 21st Sept, 8pm - 9pm at the church offices and for the weeks following. We shall press in together and see what God is going to do.