Wednesday 9 November 2011

Alpha so far

The Alpha course has been going really well.  A great team of cake bakers, coffee servers, and table leaders have served brilliantly and with great skill.  Edd has done a great job in hosting each of the evenings and we have known God's presence each team we have met.  Each persons personal story that we have each week has been powerful and has been about real life personal encounters and change.

Most of the guests have been able to be there each week with only a slight drop off from the first week, and they all seem to be enjoying it.  In fact 2 have already made a first time response to following Jesus - BRILLIANT!!!

One of those was on his way home from the 10th anniversary and gave his life on that walk back to his house.  The other one made her response at the day away.  The day away will always be extremely significant to her.  However it was also significant for others as they met with God and even those who would say that nothing happened, saw the power of God at work in people lives.

Last night was week 7 and that means we were talking about resisting evil.  As the discussion time came around, one of the guys on the course put his glasses on to read the bible.  However he found that putting his glasses on blurred his vision.  He took them back off again and found that he could read tiny print in dim lighting perfectly fine without them.  I have contacted him today and he says that this is still the case.  he cannot use the glasses because they blur his vision.  This is amazing considering we were not discussing healing, we were not praying for healing, he just healed him!

I for one still need my glasses, but Ben does not!  Now that is amazing and that is our God!

So that's just a quick update as to what has been going on.  Please continue to pray for the course and be considering who you can invite next time around.


Adam said...

Love that story of random healing Scott. Great to hear your Alpha course is going well too!

Scott said...

Great to hear from you buddy. Where are you guys now?