Here is some more info regarding 'Find Your Voice' this Saturday, 9am-1pm,
Church Office
We have been given the great privilege of knowing
Jesus. That comes with great benefits
and great responsibility. It’s not all
one way, he has called us to be on His mission and tell as many about Him as
possible. The idea of 'Find Your Voice' is to encourage and help us in carrying out this mission in our families,
friendship groups and workplaces. I’ve designed it to cover three
important aspects – handling our personal story of God’s goodness in our lives;
being ourselves when it comes to sharing our faith and acknowledging that it is
scary and asking the question why.
This is the plan for the morning (subject to any last minute alterations !)
This is the plan for the morning (subject to any last minute alterations !)
9:00 Welcome
9:05 First
session – What’s Your Story – some brief thoughts around sharing your faith and
a way of arranging any story that would help you speak about Jesus
Break 10:15 Second session – Being You
– God made you as you are and it’s good to understand what your style is when
it comes to sharing your faith so you can be you.
11:15 Break
11:30 Third session – What are
we scared of?! Question and exclamation, a discussion where we can talk
about what holds us back and some of the big questions that we fear addressing
1pm End