Monday 4 August 2008

I'm going to be a dad!!!

After a great weekend meeting with God and his people, watching West Ham play live and going to yet another wonderful wedding, the best was waiting to be revealed.

B and I went to the hospital today to have our 12 week scan. We are officially going to be parents. The Lord has blessed us with this great news after 20 months of trying. It has been a time of digging in with God and trusting that he knows best. We have had to persevere and lean into him knowing that he is totally in control of all things.

It was absolutely incredible to see the movement of our baby for the first time and to remember the words in Jeremiah that God knits us together in our mothers womb. Our BT (baby Taylor) has arms and legs and of course a head, we saw BT's spine and which we saw as he/she proceeded to stretch, turn over and go back to sleep.

I should imagine that I will be keeping up to date over the coming six months as to what is happening regarding the pregnancy, but all I know now is that I am both relieved and ecstatic that all is well and I am so grateful to God for all his amazing blessings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant! V.happy for you guys.