On Sunday evening I had a great conversation with one of our young ladies at our 6pm meeting, so I asked her to write it down:
"For about 10 years, suffered with low mood, developing into depression and anxiety, always in and out of counselling and different therapies. I battled with self harm and suicidal thoughts for what felt like forever, and if I'm being honest, that really made me struggle in my walk with God. I was put on increasing amounts of medication as I became increasingly dependent on them - I was on the highest dose of anti-depressants that they could offer.
In the autumn of 2015, I experienced a horrible trauma, and was put under emergency care, my medication increased even further, and was having visits from nurses every other day, to try and combat the voices in my head that were very real to me. I had PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and I didn't ever see myself getting better.
One night in November 2016, I was having a flashback when I called on one of my closest friends, and spilt my whole story to them. They prayed for me continuously throughout the night, even once I'd finally fallen asleep, pleading God for peace, and praying for healing once and for all. I prayed that week with the same person and others, until one morning I woke up totally different - I didn't take my tablets that morning, and haven't since - I don't need them, and I feel happier in myself than I ever did before, medication or otherwise.
I praise God that I'm here, and I'm alive, because without him, I dread to think what would have become of me."
"For about 10 years, suffered with low mood, developing into depression and anxiety, always in and out of counselling and different therapies. I battled with self harm and suicidal thoughts for what felt like forever, and if I'm being honest, that really made me struggle in my walk with God. I was put on increasing amounts of medication as I became increasingly dependent on them - I was on the highest dose of anti-depressants that they could offer.
In the autumn of 2015, I experienced a horrible trauma, and was put under emergency care, my medication increased even further, and was having visits from nurses every other day, to try and combat the voices in my head that were very real to me. I had PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and I didn't ever see myself getting better.
One night in November 2016, I was having a flashback when I called on one of my closest friends, and spilt my whole story to them. They prayed for me continuously throughout the night, even once I'd finally fallen asleep, pleading God for peace, and praying for healing once and for all. I prayed that week with the same person and others, until one morning I woke up totally different - I didn't take my tablets that morning, and haven't since - I don't need them, and I feel happier in myself than I ever did before, medication or otherwise.
I praise God that I'm here, and I'm alive, because without him, I dread to think what would have become of me."
Praise God!!!
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Aquí hay un gran médico a base de hierbas que me curó de la hepatitis B. Su nombre es Dr. Imoloa. Sufrí hepatitis B durante 11 años, estaba muy débil con dolores en todo el cuerpo, mi estómago estaba hinchado y apenas podía comer. Y un día mi hermano vino con un medicamento a base de hierbas del doctor Imoloa y me pidió que bebiera y bebí, por lo tanto no había esperanza, y he aquí que después de 2 semanas de tomar el medicamento, comencé a sentir alivio, mi estómago hinchado comenzó a encogerse y el Los dolores se habían ido. Me normalicé después de completar la medicación, fui al hospital y me dieron un resultado negativo, lo que significa que estoy curado. También puede curar las siguientes enfermedades con su medicina herbal: lupus, fiebre del heno, sarampión, tos seca, diabetes ABC, diabetes, úlcera bucal, cáncer de boca, enfermedad de la sal biliar, deficiencia foliar, diarrea, inflamación del hígado / riñón, ojo cáncer, enfermedad de cáncer de piel, malaria, enfermedad renal crónica, presión arterial alta, intoxicación alimentaria, enfermedad de Parkinson, cáncer de intestino, cáncer de hueso, tumores cerebrales, asma, artritis, epilepsia, fibrosis quística, enfermedad de Lyme, dolores musculares, cólera, fatiga, dolores musculares, dificultad para respirar, enfermedad de alzhemer, artritis reumatoide, trastornos de ansiedad, dolor de espalda, enfermedad de Crohn, insuficiencia renal crónica, leucemia mieloide aguda, pancreatitis aguda, enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las articulaciones, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, enfermedad de Addison, acné de espalda, cáncer de mama , bronquitis alérgica, enfermedad de Celia, enfermedad de bulimia, enfermedad cardíaca congénita, cirrosis, espectro de alcoholismo fetal, estreñimiento, infección micótica de las uñas, fabromialgia (hechizo de amor) y muchos más. Él es un gran hombre herbolario. Póngase en contacto con él por correo electrónico; drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com. También puedes contactarlo en whatssap- +2347081986098.
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