Saturday 7 June 2008

He is worthy of all praise

What a good day today has been. I woke up this morning with the words of Kat Starling's song going round in my head:

"We have come to seek your face
We have come to give you praise
Jesus name above all other names
Be exalted Be Exalted

We choose to fix our eyes on you
No matter what we're going through
Lord we long to give our best to you
Be exalted, be exalted

For you are the
King of Glory the Creator of all things
All the earth declares your splendour Lord
And all creation sings

You are worthy, glorious, exalted one
You are worthy we will lift you high
God Almighty no-one else compares with you
You are worthy Lord be glorified"
We then sang the song at the start of our leadership training school this morning. What a wonderful way to start the day focussed on the author and perfector of our faith - knowing that He is the one that is worthy of and deserves all praise. Also what a difference it makes when you start the morning with worship!


Unknown said...

Cool song. And I like the blog colour tweak. Well past the six weeks stage - keep it coming. If you ever want a design-refit just let me know!

Scott said...

Will do buddy, I think I'm doing okay at the moment, I was particularly pleased with the New York banner at the top. It such a great view and it's one of our own photo's which I cut to size!!! I'm almost getting the hang of this!

Unknown said...

It's a nice banner.

Try this to start/end the day:

The Grace of My God!