Thursday 3 July 2008

Team fun

Proverbs 17:22 says:

''A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.''

Harold Myra says in The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham:

''When one hears laughter in the halls of an organisation, when humour and good spirits enliven the breaks, when serious discussions are broken up by humour, it's a very good sign the enterprise is healthy. Teams that emphasise fun and good spirits lift effectiveness.''

I can say that this is true. This last year has seen the largest team working for the church on a full time basis. We have all worked hard to strengthen the church in the various areas that we are responsible for. We have worked hard at communicating with each other and keeping an air of openness. We have shared difficult times together, standing alongside each other in prayer.

One of the things we have done really well is we have found the time to laugh together. There have been lunchtimes when I have literally had tears of laughter rolling down my face. I believe that this sense of fun mixed with the seriousness of seeing the gospel advance has made for a team that has proved to be greatly effective.

Myra goes on to say: ''Although extremely serious about their mission and the eternal stakes, the team could laugh together and play together." That's the sort of team I want to be part of.

1 comment:

Becki said...

I'll remember this next time we can't start cell because we're laughing too much! You are quite right though, when Christians meet, their meetings should be characterised by laughter - since we've just got so much to smile about! Also, I think a bunch of miserable looking Christians would utterly fail at evangelism =)